Paula’s Beach-Combing Event – Saturday 4th August

Pics and text contributed by Paula

The weather seemed unusually dull as I drove closer to Felixstowe, but I needn’t have worried; no rain clouds appeared…just people, and the weather cheered up too! Eight of us gathered outside the tourist information beach hut awaiting our tutor Kate. There was no mistaking her when she arrived in a fluorescent Hi-Viz waistcoat, exhibiting boundless enthusiasm and energy while explaining what was ahead of us.

We all grouped together to listen to Kate, then we did our own little beach comb and bought back what we had found to be identified. Kevin Verlander found a shark’s tooth, I was so jealous! Kate said it could be around 53 million years old! AND it still had enamel on it!

We then listened to another talk by Kate and were sent off to find shells, hard mud with holes in it and some white stuff that looked like seaweed. We all regrouped with our finds once more and all was identified and explained to us. Next, Kate showed us all the best ways of trying to find a shark’s tooth, (as we all wanted to find one!) so we had a little dig around. Pam found a sting ray tooth – close – but no more shark teeth were found.

At the end of the session, Kate gave out several leaflets for us to take home and drummed into us the importance of not dropping litter on the beach. Unfortunately we found a lot of it.

Everyone then decided it was time for some refreshments, so we hopped over the road to The Little Ice Cream Cafe and indulged! 🙂

A good time was had by all.