Text and pics contributed by Christina.
On a sunny Saturday morning, seventeen IOGers joined Lou at the Millennium Green, near Sproughton Church. There were many familiar faces and some people new to the group like Alli and Cort who have moved to the area, and who turned out to be David B.’s near neighbours.

We proceeded along the Gipping River path, past the large Amazon building and then a newish development near Bramford Road where, according to our walk leader, an old tannery was previously located. On site used to be urine filled barrels required for the tanning process – there must have been an unbearable smell in the air!
We then arrived at Chantry Park where we enjoyed a biscuit stop, and where Paul S.’s wife briefly joined us with their Labrador puppy, a cute little thing which made my heart melt. Walking on through the attractive park we passed its two picturesque ponds, home to Canada geese, noisy moorhens and hundreds of gulls and ducks and other waterbirds, and then paused to admire Chantry Hall – now a care home – and a majestic cedar growing nearby, which caught our eye due to the extent of its branches.

We then entered the wilder part of the park near the walled garden before leaving it through an unmarked entrance and crossing Hadleigh Road where we joined a path which led us back to our starting point.
All in all a varied and attractive walk on the outskirts of Ipswich – a big ‘thank you’ to Lou for leading yet another memorable outing.