IOG Committee

The formal responsibilities of the IOG Committee are detailed in Section 5 of the IOG Constitution.  In practice, there are currently eleven potential roles, each of which is filled by a member voted in by attending members at the Group’s AGM each year. The role titles and descriptions are expected to evolve and are modified over time, as needed by the committee.

If any member wishes to raise a matter with the committee, the first point of contact should usually be the members representative, whose role is to represent members interests on the committee.  Each member of the committee can also be contacted directly using the email addresses below if needed, to discuss a matter applicable to their role.

Each committee role has its own responsibilities – click on the titles below to see more detail on each individual role. It is important to remember that all the committee members are full members of the group and will often take on the organisation of additional events, which are not related to their committee role. In the past, popular events and activities such as the Christmas meal/party, the Easter Lake District trip or the IOG Photo Competition and Calendar have been co-ordinated by members of the group who are also on the committee. These events are not part of their committee role, however. As a general rule, if a volunteer from the membership is not found each year to take on the organisation of these non-essential activities then they will not happen. The committee takes on the responsibilities described here to keep the group functioning and only formal group meetings, e.g. the AGM, are formally within their remit, unless otherwise stated.

Finally, please be patient and bear in mind that all committee members are volunteers from the membership and whilst they aim to do their best, real life commitments may unfortunately interfere with their role duties in the group, on occasion.


Chair Glen Richards
Secretary Marie Phelan
Treasurer Sarah Sheppard

Members of the General Committee

Members’ Representative Christina Bail – primary contact for general enquiries
Membership Secretary Rachael Norris
Programme Editor Lou Rawcliffe
Website Officer Simon Fevyer
Training Officer Bob Hannan
Volunteering Coordinator Peter Thorpe
Newsletter Editor Kate Wright