100th Weekday Walk: Wednesday 17th July

Text and pics contributed by Lou.

I wasn’t sure how much interest there would be in weekday walks when I started them a couple of years ago, but I’m pleased to report that they have proved popular and become very well attended.

Wednesday 17th July was IOG weekday walk number 100.

23.7 (*) of us celebrated in style with a 5.5-mile amble around the Shrubland Park area that included fields, nettles, fallen trees, river paths, a tunnel, historic sites, a fairy tree and, for the first time, IOG Bingo (**).

The walk concluded with cake and a pub at the end.

(*) Some of the walk leaders take these statistics very seriously. I am not counting this as 24 due to one person leaving the walk at the 70% point.

(**) The Bingo was embraced by about half of the participants – who would have thought that the sight of a tractor would cause so much excitement (it did) or that some people would be willing it to rain (it didn’t).

I have kept a record of all the walks, and the following statistics may be of interest: We have been fairly consistent in our average distance (5.5 miles) and moving speed (4.3 km/h).

The noticeable change over the two years is an increase in the average number of people: up from under 6 in 2022 to over 13 in 2024 so far, with recent weeks attracting over 20.

We have walked through quite a lot of the countryside around Ipswich, with some areas being visited fairly regularly. River valleys tend to be popular, with the Gipping, Stour and Fynn valleys providing several walks.

Walks don’t always go to plan and routes have had to be amended on more than one occasion, either due to flooding or unexpected footpath closures. I may have mislaid the path once or twice, but haven’t lost anyone yet!

Participants will have their own favourites. I particularly recall the 2023 walk to see the daffodils in Nowton Park. We set off through muddy fields in the rain, but a rainbow heralded our arrival back in the park and the sun shone whilst we enjoyed coffee and cake at the café.

I am happy to keep the midweek walks going whilst there is interest. For the next 100, it would be great to get more volunteer leaders: regular leaders will usually be around to help/buddy-up with. Whether leading a walk or not, do let me know if you have ideas for walk routes.